Event loop friendly C++ actor micro-framework
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rotor::payload Namespace Reference

namespace for rotor core payloads More...


struct  commit_unsubscription_t
 Message with this payload is sent to the target address supervisor for confirming unsubscription in the external (foreign) handler. More...
struct  create_actor_t
 Message with this payload is sent to supervisor when an actor is created (constructed). More...
struct  deregistration_notify_t
 deregistration notification for all names associated with service address More...
struct  deregistration_service_t
 removes single service by name from a registry More...
struct  discovery_future_t
 delayed discovery response as soon as an address has been registered More...
struct  discovery_promise_t
 ask registry for discovery_future_t when the target service name has been registered More...
struct  discovery_reply_t
 successful result of service discovery More...
struct  discovery_request_t
 discover service by name in a registry More...
struct  external_subscription_t
 Message with this payload is forwarded to the target address supervisor for recording subscription in the external (foreign) handler. More...
struct  external_unsubscription_t
 Message with this payload is forwarded to the target address supervisor for recording unsubscription in the external (foreign) handler. More...
struct  handler_call_t
 Message with this payload is forwarded to the handler's supervisor for the delivery of the original message. More...
struct  initialize_actor_t
 Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor as initialization request. More...
struct  initialize_confirmation_t
 Message with this payload is sent from an actor to its supervisor to confirm successful initialization. More...
struct  link_request_t
 requests target actor to be linked with the current one More...
struct  link_response_t
 successful confirmation to link_request_t More...
struct  registration_request_t
 "name - >service address mapping" request More...
struct  registration_response_t
 Successful registration response (no content) More...
struct  shutdown_confirmation_t
 Message with this payload is sent from an actor to its supervisor to confirm successful shutdown. More...
struct  shutdown_request_t
 Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor as shutdown request. More...
struct  shutdown_trigger_t
 Message with this payload is sent to ask an actor's supervisor to initiate shutdown procedure. More...
struct  spawn_actor_t
 Message with this payload is sent to supervisor when spawner should create new actor instance. More...
struct  start_actor_t
 Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor as start confirmation. More...
struct  subscription_confirmation_t
 Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor when successful subscription to the target address occurs. More...
struct  unlink_notify_t
 "client" notifies "server" that the connection has been closed from its side More...
struct  unlink_request_t
 "server" asks "client" for closing connection More...
struct  unsubscription_confirmation_t
 Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor with confirmation that point is no longer active (subscribed).`. More...

Detailed Description

namespace for rotor core payloads