Crotor::actor_config_builder_t< Actor > | CRTP actor config builder |
►Crotor::actor_config_builder_t< Supervisor > | |
►Crotor::supervisor_config_builder_t< Supervisor > | CRTP supervisor config builder |
Crotor::asio::supervisor_config_asio_builder_t< Supervisor > | CRTP supervisor asio config builder |
Crotor::ev::supervisor_config_ev_builder_t< Supervisor > | CRTP supervisor ev config builder |
Crotor::wx::supervisor_config_wx_builder_t< Supervisor > | Config builder for wx supervisor |
►Crotor::actor_config_t | Basic actor configuration: init and shutdown timeouts, etc |
►Crotor::supervisor_config_t | Base supervisor config, which holds shutdown timeout value |
Crotor::asio::supervisor_config_asio_t | Boost::asio supervisor config, which holds pointer to strand |
Crotor::ev::supervisor_config_ev_t | Libev supervisor config, which holds a pointer to the ev event loop and a loop ownership flag |
Crotor::wx::supervisor_config_wx_t | Wx supervisor config, which holds a pointer to the "context window" |
Crotor::address_mapping_t | NAT mechanism for rotor |
►Carc_base_t | |
►Crotor::actor_base_t | Universal primitive of concurrent computation |
Crotor::registry_t | Keeps name-to-service_address mapping at runtime |
►Crotor::supervisor_t | Supervisor is responsible for managing actors (workers) lifetime |
Crotor::asio::supervisor_asio_t | Delivers rotor-messages on top of boost asio event loop using strand for serialization |
Crotor::ev::supervisor_ev_t | Delivers rotor-messages on top of libev event loop |
Crotor::fltk::supervisor_fltk_t | Delivers rotor-messages on top of fltk async callback |
Crotor::thread::supervisor_thread_t | Pure thread supervisor dedicated for blocking I/O or computing operations |
Crotor::wx::supervisor_wx_t | Delivers rotor-messages on top of wx event |
Crotor::address_t | Message subscription and delivery point |
Crotor::extended_error_t | Holds string context, error_code and the pointer to the following error |
►Crotor::handler_base_t | Base class for rotor handler, i.e concrete message type processing point on concrete actor |
Crotor::handler_intercepted_t | Proxies call to the original hanlder, applying tag-specific actions |
Crotor::handler_t< Handler, std::enable_if_t< details::is_actor_handler_v< Handler > > > | Actor handler meant to hold user-specific pointer-to-member function |
Crotor::handler_t< Handler, std::enable_if_t< details::is_plugin_handler_v< Handler > > > | Handler specialization for plugin |
Crotor::handler_t< lambda_holder_t< Handler, M >, std::enable_if_t< details::is_lambda_handler_v< lambda_holder_t< Handler, M > > > > | Handler specialization for lambda handler |
►Crotor::message_base_t | Base class for rotor message |
Crotor::message_t< T > | Generic message meant to hold user-specific payload |
Crotor::subscription_info_t | subscription_point_t with extended information (e.g. state) |
►Crotor::system_context_t | The system context holds root supervisor_t (intrusive pointer) and may be loop-related details in derived classes |
Crotor::asio::system_context_asio_t | The boost::asio system context, which holds a reference to boost::asio::io_context and root supervisor |
Crotor::fltk::system_context_fltk_t | The FLTK system context to allow rotor messaging with fltk-backend |
Crotor::thread::system_context_thread_t | The thread system context, for blocking operations |
Crotor::wx::system_context_wx_t | The wxWidgets system context, which holds a pointer to wxApp and root wx-supervisor |
Crotor::asio::details::callback_traits< T > | Asio callback decomposer into 1 possible argument type and total arguments count (0 or 1) |
Crotor::asio::details::callback_traits< void(Class::*)() noexcept > | Callback decomposer specialization for no-argument callback |
Crotor::asio::details::callback_traits< void(Class::*)(M &) noexcept > | Callback decomposer specialization for reference argument |
Crotor::asio::details::callback_traits< void(Class::*)(M) noexcept > | Callback decomposer specialization for value argument |
Crotor::request_traits_t< R >::cancel | Cancel request related types |
Crotor::cancellation_t< T > | Request cancellation payload |
Crotor::payload::commit_unsubscription_t | Message with this payload is sent to the target address supervisor for confirming unsubscription in the external (foreign) handler |
Crotor::continuation_t | Continue handler invocation (used for intercepting) |
Crotor::payload::create_actor_t | Message with this payload is sent to supervisor when an actor is created (constructed) |
Crotor::thread::system_context_thread_t::deadline_info_t | Struct to keep timer handlers |
►Cboost::asio::deadline_timer | |
Crotor::asio::supervisor_asio_t::timer_t | Boos::asio::deadline_timer with embedded timer handler |
►Cdecltypetest | |
Crotor::details::is_braces_constructible< T, Args > | |
Crotor::payload::deregistration_notify_t | Deregistration notification for all names associated with service address |
Crotor::payload::deregistration_service_t | Removes single service by name from a registry |
Crotor::payload::discovery_future_t | Delayed discovery response as soon as an address has been registered |
Crotor::payload::discovery_promise_t | Ask registry for discovery_future_t when the target service name has been registered |
Crotor::payload::discovery_reply_t | Successful result of service discovery |
Crotor::payload::discovery_request_t | Discover service by name in a registry |
Crotor::plugin::registry_plugin_t::discovery_task_t | Helper class to invoke callback upon address discovery |
►Cstd::error_category | |
Crotor::details::error_code_category | Category support for rotor error codes |
Crotor::details::shutdown_code_category | Category support for rotor shutdown codes |
Crotor::detail::demand::escalate_failure | |
►Cev_timer | |
Crotor::ev::supervisor_ev_t::timer_t | Inheritance of ev_timer, which holds rotor timer_id |
Crotor::payload::external_subscription_t | Message with this payload is forwarded to the target address supervisor for recording subscription in the external (foreign) handler |
Crotor::payload::external_unsubscription_t | Message with this payload is forwarded to the target address supervisor for recording unsubscription in the external (foreign) handler |
►Crotor::asio::forwarder_base_t< Actor, Handler, ErrHandler > | Templated forwarder base class |
Crotor::asio::forwarder_t< Actor, Handler, details::count::_0, ErrHandler > | Dispatches single boost::asio callback with error_code and non-error results into two different functions of the actor . After the invocation, actor's supervisor do_process method is called to process message queue |
Crotor::asio::forwarder_t< Actor, Handler, details::count::_1, ErrHandler > | Forwarder specialization for 1-argument asio-callback |
►Crotor::asio::forwarder_base_t< Actor, Handler, void > | Partial specialization of forwarder base when there is no error handler |
Crotor::asio::forwarder_t< Actor, Handler, details::count::_0, void > | Forwarder specialization for 1-argument asio-callback without error handler |
Crotor::asio::forwarder_t< Actor, Handler, details::count::_1, void > | Forwarder specialization, when error case is not possible
Crotor::asio::forwarder_t< Actor, Handler, ArgsCount, ErrHandler > | |
Crotor::payload::handler_call_t | Message with this payload is forwarded to the handler's supervisor for the delivery of the original message |
Crotor::handler_t< Handler, Enable > | |
Crotor::handler_traits< T > | Helper class to extract final actor class and message type from pointer-to-member function |
Crotor::handler_traits< lambda_holder_t< M, H > > | Handler decomposer for lambda-based handler |
Chandler_traits< void(A::*)(M &) > | Helper class to catch wrong message handler |
Crotor::handler_traits< void(A::*)(M &) noexcept > | Helper class to extract final actor class and message type from pointer-to-member function |
Crotor::handler_traits< void(A::*)(M &)> | |
Crotor::payload::initialize_actor_t | Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor as initialization request |
Crotor::payload::initialize_confirmation_t | Message with this payload is sent from an actor to its supervisor to confirm successful initialization |
Crotor::plugin::inspected_local_delivery_t | Debugging local message delivery implementation with dumping details to stdout |
►Cboost::intrusive_ref_counter | |
Crotor::detail::child_info_t | Child actor runtime housekeeping information |
Crotor::details::is_constructible< T, E, Args > | Main helper to check constructability of T from Args.. |
►Cstd::is_constructible | |
Crotor::details::size_of_t< T, Ts... > | |
Crotor::details::is_constructible< T, Arg > | Checks whether it is possible construct T from Arg |
Crotor::details::is_constructible< T, void > | Checks whether T is default-constructible
Crotor::details::is_constructible< T, void, Arg > | Checks whether it is possible construct T from Arg |
Crotor::details::is_constructible< T, void, Args... > | Checks whether it is possible construct T from Args.. |
►Cstd::is_default_constructible | |
Crotor::details::size_of_t< T > | |
Crotor::subscription_t::joint_handlers_t | Pair internal and external handler_t |
Crotor::lambda_holder_t< M, F > | Helper struct which holds lambda function for processing particular message types |
Crotor::lambda_holder_t< Handler, M > | |
Crotor::payload::link_request_t | Requests target actor to be linked with the current one |
Crotor::payload::link_response_t | Successful confirmation to link_request_t |
►Cstd::list | |
Crotor::subscription_container_t | List of subscription_info_ptr_t with possibility to find via subscription_point_t |
Crotor::plugin::local_delivery_t | Basic local message delivery implementation |
►Crotor::message_stringifier_t | Abstract interface for making textual/string representation of a message |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
►Crotor::message_visitor_t | Abstract message visitor interface |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::detail::demand::no | |
Crotor::detail::demand::now | |
►Crotor::plugin::plugin_base_t | Base class for all actor plugins |
Crotor::plugin::address_maker_plugin_t | Create actor's addresses |
Crotor::plugin::child_manager_plugin_t | Supervisor's plugin for child-actors housekeeping |
►Crotor::plugin::delivery_plugin_base_t | Base implementation for messages delivery plugin |
Crotor::plugin::delivery_plugin_t< LocalDelivery > | Templated message delivery plugin, to allow local message delivery be customized |
Crotor::plugin::foreigners_support_plugin_t | Allows non-local actors to subscribe on the local addresses of a supervisor |
Crotor::plugin::init_shutdown_plugin_t | Manages actors init and shutdown procedures |
Crotor::plugin::lifetime_plugin_t | Manages all actor subscriptions (i.e. from plugins or actor itself) |
Crotor::plugin::link_client_plugin_t | Allows actor to have active (client) role in linking |
Crotor::plugin::link_server_plugin_t | Allows actor to have passive (server) role in linking |
Crotor::plugin::locality_plugin_t | Detects and assigns locality leader to the supervisor |
Crotor::plugin::registry_plugin_t | Handy access to registry_t , for name registration and discovery |
Crotor::plugin::resources_plugin_t | "lock" for external resources |
Crotor::plugin::starter_plugin_t | Allows custom (actor) subscriptions and it is responsible for starting actor when it receives message::start_trigger_t |
►Crotor::plugin_storage_base_t | Abstract item to store plugins inside actor |
Crotor::plugin_storage_t< PluginList > | Templated plugin storage implementation |
Crotor::payload::registration_request_t | "name - >service address mapping" request |
Crotor::payload::registration_response_t | Successful registration response (no content) |
Crotor::request_traits_t< R >::request | Request related types |
►Crotor::request_base_t | Base class for request payload |
Crotor::wrapped_request_t< T, typename > | Templated request, which is able to hold user-supplied payload |
Crotor::wrapped_request_t< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< arc_base_t< T >, T > > > | Wrapped request specialization, when the request should be wrapped into intrusive pointer |
Crotor::request_builder_t< T > | Builder pattern implementation for the original request |
Crotor::request_curry_t | Recorded context, which is needed to produce error response to the original request |
Crotor::request_traits_t< R > | Type helper to deduce request/response messages from original (user-supplied) request type |
Crotor::request_unwrapper_t< T, typename > | Optionally unwraps request type from intrusive pointer |
Crotor::request_unwrapper_t< intrusive_ptr_t< T > > | Request_unwrapper_t specialization for intrusive pointer of T |
Crotor::request_wrapper_t< T, typename > | Optionally wraps request type into intrusive pointer |
Crotor::request_wrapper_t< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< arc_base_t< T >, T > > > | Request_wrapper_t specialization for refcounted item |
Crotor::request_traits_t< R >::response | Response related types |
Crotor::response_helper_t< Response > | Generic helper, which helps to construct user-defined response payload |
Crotor::response_helper_t< intrusive_ptr_t< Response > > | Specific helper, which helps to construct intrusive pointer to user-defined response payload |
Crotor::payload::shutdown_confirmation_t | Message with this payload is sent from an actor to its supervisor to confirm successful shutdown |
Crotor::payload::shutdown_request_t | Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor as shutdown request |
Crotor::payload::shutdown_trigger_t | Message with this payload is sent to ask an actor's supervisor to initiate shutdown procedure |
Crotor::details::size_of_t< Ts > | |
Crotor::payload::spawn_actor_t | Message with this payload is sent to supervisor when spawner should create new actor instance |
Crotor::spawner_t | Allows automatically restart actors |
Crotor::payload::start_actor_t | Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor as start confirmation |
Crotor::payload::subscription_confirmation_t | Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor when successful subscription to the target address occurs |
►Crotor::subscription_point_t | Pair of handler_base_t linked to particular address_t |
Crotor::subscription_info_t | subscription_point_t with extended information (e.g. state) |
Crotor::subscription_t | Holds and classifies message handlers on behalf of supervisor |
►Crotor::timer_handler_base_t | Base class for timer handler |
Crotor::timer_handler_t< Object, Method > | Templated implementation of timer handler |
Crotor::fltk::supervisor_fltk_t::timer_t | Timer structure, adopted for fltk-supervisor needs |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cstd::is_error_code_enum< rotor::error_code_t > | |
Cstd::is_error_code_enum< rotor::shutdown_code_t > | |
Crotor::payload::unlink_notify_t | "client" notifies "server" that the connection has been closed from its side |
Crotor::payload::unlink_request_t | "server" asks "client" for closing connection |
Crotor::payload::unsubscription_confirmation_t | Message with this payload is sent from a supervisor to an actor with confirmation that point is no longer active (subscribed).` |
►Crotor::message_t< T >::visitor_t | Struct visitor_t concrete message type visitor |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::misc::default_stringifier_t | Default stringifier of rotor messages |
Crotor::wrapped_response_t< Request > | Trackable templated response which holds user-supplied response payload |
►CwxTimer | |
Crotor::wx::supervisor_wx_t::timer_t | Timer structure, adoped for wx-supervisor needs |