Supervising in C++: how to make your programs reliable


Supervising in real world

When some extraordinary situation is met it can be handled at the problem level or its handling can be delegated to some upper level. Usually, when it is really extraordinary, it is delegated or ... it becomes exception handling.

Imagine, you are in a supermarket, and suddenly smoke and fire appear and for some reason there is no fire alert signals. What would you do? You can try to extinguish fire by yourself, or notify a supermarket employee about the problem and let he handle the situation. It is likely an employee has codified instructions to notify his direct manager or a fire service.

The key point here is that the extraordinary situation is not handled by you, but by a person, who knows how to deal with it. Of course, you can try to handle it by your own, but there might be consequences if you are not the person, responsible for the situation.

Supervising in backend and end-user services

All non-trivial programs have bugs, however most of well-known cloud services are run smoothly and we rarely notice them. This happens, because our programs are externally supervised by devops programs like systemd or runit. Simplified, their job can be described as following: if a program "hangs" kill it and start again, if it exited, just restart it. In any case it leads to program restart.

There is, probably, the hardware supervising team too, and conceptually its job is similar: if a router or server rack does not operate properly, turn it off and then turn it on, i.e. restart.

For the regular end user of desktop application the situation is similar: when a program misbehaves, it is terminated by the user or its operating system, and then, probably the program will be started again by the user.

Despite different domains, the universal pattern is the same: give the buggy application another chance by restarting it.

Why there is no supervising in common C/C++/C#/Java/Perl/... programs

Did you frequently see a desktop program, which works with network, and, when you suddenly plug off the network cable (or turn off wifi router), it continues to operate with some disabled functions, and when you plug the cable back in, the program becomes fully operational as if there was no emergency at all?

Did you frequently see a backend app, which can easily outlive the loss of connection to a database or messages queue or other critical resource? My experience tells me, that level of error handling is very rare, and usually is not even discussed.

"We are not in the military/healthcare/aerospace/nuclear domain". That is true, in short. A little bit more verbose and technical answer is: handling all that exceptional cases requires writing additional special code, which is extremely difficult to test (manually or automatically), it will significantly increase code development and maintenance costs without any significant benefits...

Actors as a solution

Actor is an independent entity with its own lifetime and state, all the interaction with an actor happens only via messaging, including actor start and stop signal. Thus, if something bad happens, e.g., actor enters error state, it shuts self down and sends appropriate message to its supervisor actor.

Let's emphasize the point: all communications with an actor are performed via messaging, and if something wrong occurs, there will be appropriate message too, i.e. messaging is universal.

The normal flow looks like the following (consumer point of view): client-actor sends a request message to service-actor, and when the request processing by the service-actor is completed, the response message is sent back to the client. The supervisor of the service-actor does not participate in the communications; the same as in real life.

The error flow looks like the following from consumer point of view: client-actor sends a request message to service-actor, and it receives a response with error from the service-actor or, if something really terrible has happend, request timeout triggers, which is conceptually the same as receive message with error. The service-actor, however, has a few possibilities: if there is a problem with request, it can just reply with error code; if there is an unrecoverable problem during error processing, it can reply back with error to the client-actor and shut self down, i.e. send down message to its supervisor.

Thus, the error flow is "doubled": (1) the client receives error and takes its own decision what to do with error and (2) the supervisor decides how to deal with an actor's shutdown. Supervisor's decision is usually either to restart the problematic actor (which originally triggered the error), or, if (possibly a several) restarts do not fix the problem (i.e. service-actor still shuts self down), escalate the problem, which means, to shut the supervisor down, to shutdown all child actors, and then send down message to the upstream supervisor for further making decisions.

This approach is very different from widely used exception handling, where there is a context for handling immediate error (1), but there isn't a context for supervising (2). This is not accidental, because using the service (client role) is different from owning the service (supervising role).

A few questions might arise.

How to cope with unexpected or fatal errors? In theory, it is possible not to handle this errors manually (with code) at all, just specifying restart policy for the chosen framework/platform should be enough. It will simply just keep trying with restarts until some reasonable limit is reached, then escalate the problem, restarting the hierarchy of actors an so on... until it is solved, that after all possible attempts have been tried and further trying has no sense, and the problem should be escalated outside of the program, e.g. to human or to operating system.

OK, the service-actors are keeping restarting (supervisor side), does it affect client side? If it is OK for a client side to receive timeout responses when service-actors have already been down and have not been started yet, then the answer is "no". The technical explanation is, that the message destination endpoint is not bind to the concrete actor: in rotor any actor can subscribe to any address, in sobjectizer any agent can subscribe to any message box.

Does supervising tolerates developer errors? It depends on chosen platform. For the Erlang case, with its let it crash principle, developer errors lead to an actor crash, and supervisor can make further decision. For the C++ errors like use-after-free or null pointer dereference or memory leaks cannot be "catch", so they are not recoverable and program crash or memory abuse should be supervised externally by operating system or launchers like systemd.

Can you give more practical examples? Sure. Consider there is a backend application, which has a fast distributed cache and slow network connection to a database. Can the app continue to serve, if the connection is suddenly gone? May be, if it is OK to serve read-only requests via cache, trying to reconnect to DB "in background"; this might be better than just cold restarts of the whole app via system manager. Even if it cant, the time to become operational for the app is fasten than the cold restart, because there is no need of cache reloading. Can the app continue to serve, if the connection to network cache is lost? Surely, it can serve a bit slower is better and it is better than a cold restart. If backend and cache connections handling does not cost a lot in terms of development and maintenance, the approach is definitely worth.

The price

Supervising is not free of charge. If you chose Erlang as a platform, you receive the maximum flexibility in supervising, including tolerance up to let-it-crash and possibility to send messages transparently to actors located on non-local machine. However, the price is quite high, as you have to use rather specific erlang language, the platform itself is slow comparing to native binaries you get when you use C++/Go etc., and, if you want to speed up hot code path via writing native extensions, you immediately loose all the benefits of the platform. Somewhat specific syntax can be mitigated by using Elixir language.

In any case the messaging have to be used for actor environment, and it is not as fast as native methods call: the memory for a message have to be allocated, the message fields have to be filled, the message has to be dispatched etc. In summary a message delivery can be hundred or more times expensive than a native call.

Another indirect costs of using messaging are that a framework has to be used, because sending messages and especially receiving them cannot be performed without a context. For C++ it can be rotor, sobjectizer or C++ actor framework, while erlang it itself a platform and a framework (OTP).

So, what is the total cost ownership of supervising? In theory it is nearly zero cost in terms of writing special code (it should be done for you), but you will be bounded to the platform/framework and the usage of messaging also has its own performance price.

Technical details of supervising in C++

C++ actor framework (aka CAF) is considered the most influenced by Erlang, however, the supervising itself is missing in it. CAF is capable to run a cluster of nodes, each one can run arbitrary number of actors. The strong point of CAF is transparent messaging (actor addressing), i.e. when a message can be sent from one actor to another, independently from their locations, i.e. they can be located on different machines, on the same machine, or in the same process.

The situation with supervising is slightly better with sobjectizer, as it provides entity named cooperation, which has elemental supervising capabilities, such as synchronized actors startup (shutdown): either all actors, belonging to the same cooperation, do all start or no actor starts; and, similar, if an actor from cooperation stops, all actors on the same cooperation stop. It should be noted, that cooperation class is completely belongs to the sobjectizer framework, and it is not possible to override something in it or somehow customize. It is possible to hook actor shutdown event, and send shutdown notification message somewhere, but that's a bit wrong way of building supervising as it requires to handle a lot of things in your actors, which is violation of Single Responsibility Principle. With sobjectizer you can construct hierarchical finite state machines, which are tightly integrated with messaging, or you can use go-like channels for messaging. So, it is still good framework if you need those features.

Supervising is one of the key features of rotor since the beginning. There is the supervisor_t class, which manages its child-actors; it is fully customizable, i.e. child-actor start and stop events can be hooked etc. However, real erlang-like supervising was not part of the microframework until v0.20. In short, since v0.20 it is possible to

1) declaratively specify failure escalation of each actor upon it's construction:

    .escalate_failure()        /* will shut down in error case */

2) declaratively respawn stopped actor, until some condition is met, and, otherwise escalate failure

namespace r = rotor;
auto actor_factory = [&](r::supervisor_t &supervisor, const r::address_ptr_t &spawner) -> r::actor_ptr_t {
    return sup
        // other actor properties, probably taken from supervisor

    .max_attempts(15)                               /* don't do that endlessly */
    .restart_policy(r::restart_policy_t::fail_only) /* respawn only on failure */
    .escalate_failure()                             /* we did our best, shutdown supervisor */

The full example of the spawner pattern for ping-pong (where pinger-actor shuts self down upon unsuccessful pong reply) can be seen here.


If something went wrong in your program, give that piece of program another chance, restart it. Maybe it was a temporal network issue, and it can disapper with the next attempt; just wait a little bit and try again, but don't be too assertive. One of the possible ways of organizing your program, into that self-contained pieces, with own resources and lifetime, is to model them as actors, which communicate with each other via messaging. Shape the individual actors into manageable hierarchies with supervisors, which provide fine-gained control of actors at a low-level and at a high-level. Make your program reliable.
