C++ permission model



The problems of public, protected and private access are considered. The generic templated access approach with the on-demand specialization for a consumer is proposed; it's advantages and drawbacks are discussed. The synthetic solution satisfactory enough is proposed in the conclusion.

The problem

Out of the box C++ offers "classical" class access model: public properties (fields and methods) are accessible from anywhere, protected properties are accessible to descendant classes only, and finally private properties which permit access to class itself only.

Additionally it is possible to declare friend class (which might be templated) to provide maximum access to all properties (i.e. the same as private). This allows to access to the internals of a class to a related class.

For example, if there is an HTTP-library with Request and Connection classes and Request class would like to access Connection internals, this can be done as:

class Request;  /* forward declare */

enum class Shutdown { read, write, both };
class Connection {
        virtual void handle() { ... }
        void shutdown(Shutdown how) { ...;  }
        int skt;
        friend class Request;

class Request {
        virtual void process() {
            /* I know what I'm doing */
      Connection* conn;

Now let's assume that there is an descendant

class HttpRequest: public Request {
        virtual void process() override {
            conn->shutdown(Shutdown::both); // Oops!

Alas, there is no way in C++ to access to Connection::shutdown from it. To overcome this, with the current access model, there are the possibilities. First, it is possible to declare HttpRequest as a friend in the Connection. Whilst this will certainly work, the solution has strict limitation, that it applicable only for single library (project) to code of which you have access. Otherwise, it does not scales at all.

The second possibility if is to "expose" private connection from the Request class to all it's descendants, like:

class Request {
        void connection_shutdown(Shutdown how) {  conn->shutdown(how); }
        int& connection_socket() {  conn->skt; }
        const int& connection_socket() const {  conn->skt; }
        Connection* conn;

This approach is better, because it scales to all descendant classes which can be located in different libraries. However, the price is quite high as there is need to provide access to all properties apriori even if some properties will not be needed. The more serious drawback is that the approach is limited to class inheritance; in other words, if there is need to access private properties of Connection not from Request's descendants, e.g. for tests.

Somebody might become disappointed at all and try to make everything public by default. This scales well and covers all abovedescribed issues though brings a new ones: the boundary between stable public API interface and private implementation details of a class is blurred and completion suggestions in an IDE can be overloaded with too many variants. In other words the proposed approach is too permissive.

Semantically identical would be to write simple accessors for all private properties; it just brings an illusion of the interface/implementation separation since a class author already exposed all class internals outside.

Let's summarize the requirements for the private properties (aka implementation details):

  • they should scale outside of a library

  • they should be accessible outside of class hierarchy

  • they should not "pollute" the class public API, i.e. somehow be not available by default, still be accessible

The possible solutions

It consists of two pieces, the first one is to declare possibility to access the private fields of a class, e.g.:

// my_library.h
namespace my::library {
    class Connection {
            virtual void handle() { ... }
            template<typename T...> auto& access() noexcept;
            void shutdown(Shutdown how) { ...;  }
            int skt;

The second piece is actually provide full access specialization in the target place, e.g. :

// my_app.cpp
namespace to {
    struct skt{}; // matches private field

namespace my::library {
    auto& Connection::access<to::skt>() noexcept { return skt; }

// namespace does not matter
class HttpRequest: public Request {
        virtual void process() override {
            auto& s = conn->access<to::skt>();  // voila!
            shutdown(s, SHUT_RDWR);

In other words, in the source class the generic templated accessor is defined, and in the place, where the access is needed, the specialization is provided as the actual access to the required fields.

The solution meets all requirements, however it still has it's own drawbacks. First, there is need of duplication of const and non-const access, i.e.

class Connection {
        virtual void handle() { ... }
        template<typename T...> auto& access() noexcept;
        template<typename T...> auto& access() const noexcept;


namespace my::library {
    auto& Connection::access<to::skt>() noexcept       { return skt; }
    auto& Connection::access<to::skt>() const noexcept { return skt; }

Although, you don't have to provide const and non-const access if you need only one.

The second drawback, that to let the approach work for methods, especially those, which return type can't be auto& (e.g. void or int). To overcome it the access should be rewritten as:

class Connection {
        template<typename T, typename... Args> T access(Args...);

namespace my::library {
    void Connection::access<void, Shutdown>(Shutdown how) {
        return shutdown(how);

class HttpRequest: public Request {
        virtual void process() override {
            conn->access<void, Shutdown>(Shutdown::both);

Another problem arises: if there are two or more private methods with identical signatures (return and arguments types), the artificial tag should be introduced again, i.e.

class Connection {
    template<typename T, typename Tag, typename... Args> T access(Args...);

namespace to {
    struct skt{};
    struct shutdown{};

namespace my::library {
    int& Connection::access<int&, to::skt>() { return skt; }
    void Connection::access<void, to::shutdown, Shutdown>(Shutdown how) {

conn->access<void, to::shutdown>(Shutdown::both); // voila!

The variadic Args... template parameter dos not force to duplicate the original arguments; it can have even add unrelated types to "inject" new methods with additional logic into the Connection class. For example:

namespace to {
    struct fun{}

namespace my::library {
    void Connection::access<void, to::fun>() {
        Shutdown how = std::rand() > 1000 ? Shutdown::read ? Shutdown::write;

It is known, that methods might have optional noexcept specification in addition to const. So, for the sake of generality, all four access cases should be provided, i.e.:

class Connection {
template<typename T, typename Tag, typename... Args> T access(Args...);
template<typename T, typename Tag, typename... Args> T access(Args...) const;
template<typename T, typename Tag, typename... Args> T access(Args...) noexcept;
template<typename T, typename Tag, typename... Args> T access(Args...) const noexcept;

Alas, it was not the last problem with the approach: there is a problem with inheritance, e.g.:

class Connection {
    template<typename T> auto& access();
    int skt;

enum class SslState { /* whatever */};

class SslConnection:public Connection {
    template<typename T> auto& access();
    SslState state;

namespace to {
    struct skt{};
    struct state{};

namespace my::library {
    auto& Connection::access<to::skt>() { return skt; }
    auto& SslConnection::access<to::state>() { return state; }

However, as soon as try to access to parent property via child class, i.e.:

SslConnection* conn = ...;
auto& skt = conn->access<to::skt>(); // oops!

It cannot resolve access to socket via SslConnection because there is no to::skt specialization for SslConnection; there is on in it's parent class, but in accordance with C++ rules a compiler does not see it. The solution is to cast to the base class:

SslConnection* conn = ...;
auto& skt = static_cast<Connection*>(conn)->access<to::skt>();

This becomes even more unhandy when an object is stored behind smart pointer.

Let's enumerate key points:

  • accessors multiplication due to const and noexcept variants

  • not so handy access for private methods (too verbose due to multiple template params), although "injection" of own accessor-methods seems an advantage

  • too clumpsy syntax to access private proreties in class hierarchy


The proposed solution is far from perfect. I found the following golden ratio for my projects on the implementation details access topic:

  • if the property is stable enough or it is the part of class interface, then public accessor should be written for it. It would be desirable for read only access, i.e. the accessor should be just a getter. For example, the address property in actor_base in rotor.

  • otherwise, if implementation details might be usable in descendants, make them private

  • provide generic templated accessor (template<typename T> auto& access()) but for properties only; no access to private methods, as I don't see possible use cases now. This point might be different for different projects.

The described approach is applied in to be released soon rotor v0.09.